Celebrating My One Year Blogiversary!

Celebrating My One Year Anniversary!

It sounds so weird saying this, but my blog has officially turned one year old today. I’ve been having so much fun with blogging that I didn’t even notice how much time had passed. I was actually scheduling posts to go up this week which is when it struck me that this huge milestone was coming up.

What a year 2015 was!!!

To recap for you, my blog has gone through various changes over the past year, not only aesthetically, but also in niche. But I don’t want to get too ahead of myself, so let’s start with the aesthetics.

If you’ve followed me from the very beginning, then you are probably very aware of the numerous theme changes, lol. What can I say…. I’m a perfectionist. I can happily say though, that their won’t be any changes in the foreseeable future because I’m in love with the look I have now.

Secondly, about half way through the year last year I changed niches. If you’re a blogger, then you know that when you first start blogging, you’re just getting your footing and figuring out what works for you and what you’re passionate about. This was the case with me.

I liked blogging about the things I was blogging about because I felt I had a lot of insight into what I was saying, but realized it was making me happy. After much thought, I decided to change my niche to lifestyle because that’s what I was passionate about and those were the types of blogs I enjoyed reading.

I’m looking forward to the year to come and with a new blog camera and exciting things planned, I feel this will be the best year yet for Echanning! Hope you’ll stay along for the ride!

To celebrate this milestone, I’ve decided to compile a list of my most popular posts as sort of a “look back” at last year. Hope you enjoy!

Everyday Detox: 100 Easy Recipes To Remove Toxins, Promote Gut Health, & Lose Weight Naturally

Blogging Resources: 30 Blogging Prompts

10 Things I Tell Myself To Block Out Negativity

6 Reasons Why The World Isn’t Such A Bad Place

Blogging With A New Purpose

Win A Copy Of Living With Intent By: Mallika Chopra

What I’ve Learned Through Blogging

Beauty Ideals: How Today’s Society Views Beauty


Looking back on some of my first posts, I start to realize just how far my little blog has come and how much has changed. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for 2016!

Thanks for being a continued reader!

What milestones has your blog his this year?

16 thoughts on “Celebrating My One Year Blogiversary!

  1. Happy Blogiversary!! I was just thinking about how long I have been blogging. Thanks for sharing your top posts. A milestone for my own blog? I’m starting to get over 200 hits a day, major deal for me but it takes a LOT of work. Here is more years blogging!


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